As a woman in business… what’s holding you back?
The key is in finding the one thing that is the critical difference between struggle and success.
Many women in business or leadership roles face the daily challenge of balancing their personal life, their wellbeing and their professional lives.
My book, WOMEN IN BUSINESS will reveal the six critical strategies that make the difference in finding the time, energy and enthusiasm to succeed in a world often dominated by outmoded thinking.
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This book will help you if…
- You feel defeated by current results despite working hard to succeed in your business or chosen profession.
- You feel no-one really understands what you are going through and the frustrations you experience. You are aiming high but missing the mark.
- You have lost confidence and self-belief (and don’t want to admit it – even to yourself). Kick the ‘fear factor’. It’s normal to be vulnerable. Re-gaining your confidence is the first step to being back in control.
- You are struggling to be heard in the corporate space and are frustrated by a toxic or outdated culture. Learning to “teach people how to treat you” is a powerful tool in this environment.
- You feel you have no clarity around what needs to happen next to stay on track. It will help if you would like to come out of the fog and lose that feeling of struggle and pain.
- You believe you never have enough time to get through all the things on your never ending To Do list. You don’t have strategies to claim your time back to work on what is most important to you. You simply want your life back again.
- You are struggling around communicating with staff and teams you are responsible for, or upper management. Clear communication both with yourself and others can save time and stress, and get the job done.
Is life itself getting in the way of you having the life you desire?
Sound Familiar?
Don’t worry, almost all women in business feel this way at some point in their career.

These are the challenges I have faced myself and hear about again and again.
During my 30 years in corporate and business world and 15 years in coaching and mentoring, I have come to appreciate many of these issues are common but no less destructive.
Learning how to respond to the constant onslaught of problems is a critical step to taking charge again. Stress created from business or workplace environments can present in various ways:
- Our own limiting beliefs around guilt,
- Doubt around what we are capable of achieving,
- Whether we deserve to have what we are working so hard for,
- and other roadblocks to success.
If you are ready and serious about breaking through these barriers my book can help you discover a new way of thinking and new actions to take.
In this book I’ve distilled my years of personal experience in leading successful teams in male dominated and inflexible corporate environments and helping many other professional women navigate the minefield of life to achieve the goals they always dreamed of.
In reading my book WOMEN IN BUSINESS you realise you are not alone in the challenges you face.
Many women have been there before, and more importantly discovered there is a path forward to turn their struggles into success.

Here’s What My Clients Say
“Sue’s eBook provides incredible clarity about what may hold professional women back from reaching their full potential.
She respects and champions women, and is a master of listening to her client’s challenges.
I highly recommend this eBook for professional women who may be unsure how to achieve life balance, want clarity and/or keen to explore their full potential.”
“Sue is incredibly good at what she does. She enables you to see things from another point of view, and empowers you to make the necessary changes.
After working with Sue I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have run my own business for about 25 years now, and wish I had taken these steps with Sue much earlier.”
Women in Business
by Suzanne Glendenning
What is the biggest barrier to success and happiness for many professional and business women? Find out in this book.